Our fitness team is comprised of Synergy Fitness & Nutrition employees and independent contractors. Please feel free to contact any one of our fitness professionals to learn more about the range of services we provide.
BRYAN NUNZIATO, OWNER & FOUNDERMy name is Bryan Nunziato and I am the owner and founder of Synergy Fitness & Nutrition, LLC. I have over 25 years of professional fitness training experience. I ea earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science from Skidmore College in 2007 and is personal trainer certified by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). I am also a golf performance specialist certified by the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI), certified Hardstyle Kettlebell Instructor, and USAW Sports Performance Coach.
In 2008, Bryan collaborated with Omni Development Company, Inc to design and management of Omni Fitness Center, a state-of the -art fitness facility located at 54 State Street in downtown Albany. Here is where you'll find me working to keep our members and clients healthy and fit. If you are interested in fitness coaching please contact me at (518) 727-7081 or email: [email protected] |